The day of the holy cross; Monks, Quakers and chocolate; Meet Sor Juana philosopher, poet cook and nun. Ep.07

March 3,

Presented by: Rocio Carvajal Food historian, cook and author.


The day of the holy cross; Monks, Quakers and chocolate; Meet Sor Juana: philosopher, poet cook and nun.

Discover how Mexicans celebrate builders, the religious ceremonies and feasts to thank the people who build the homes we live in; find out which drink was equally popular amongst Mexican colonial Monks 17th century English Quakers; And I’ll introduce you to Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Mexico’s most famous poet, philosopher and cook.



This show is the audible companion of: SABOR! This is Mexican food magazine


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Poems, Protest, and a Dream: Selected Writings By Sor Juana Ines  de La Cruz

Latin America’s finest baroque poet

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (1648-1695) wrote her most famous prose work, La Respuesta a Sor Filotea, in 1691 in response to her bishop’s injunction against her intellectual pursuits. A passionate and subversive defense of the rights of women to study, to teach, and to write, it predates by almost a century and a half serious writings on any continent about the position and education of women.

Also included in this wide-ranging selection is a new translation of Sor Juana’s masterpiece, the epistemological poem “Primero Sueno, ” as well as revealing autobiographical sonnets, reverential religious poetry, secular love poems (which have excited speculation through three centuries), playful verses, and lyrical tributes to New World culture that are among the earliest writings celebrating the people and the customs of this hemisphere. 


I studied the life and works of Sor Juana many moons ago in a class on Latin American literature in college, ever since that moment I was truly captivated by the sharp and poignant humour and wit of this complex and inspiring character…. and she cooked too!











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